Rivera to step down?
Bx. pol putting pressure in Mt. Vernon race?
By Robert Press
BRONX, NEW YORK, MAY 7- There are rumors that have been confirmed by several elected officials that Assemblyman Jose Rivera is going to step down right after the current session is over. I have been told that the reason is health related, and I hope only the best for a man I consider a friend Jose Rivera.
It appears to be a foregone conclusion that current State Senator Ruth Hassel-Thompson (36th Senate District Bronx and Mount Vernon) will be elected Mayor of Mount Vernon later this year. In speaking with a high level representative from the powerful union 1199, I was told that the union 1199 has been told not to field a candidate for the open 36th State Senate District by now Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie whose district overlaps with the 36th State Senate District. I was also told that Speaker Heastie is urging 1199 to endorse his chosen candidate Mr. Jamal Bailey of Assemblyman Heastie's Bronx office staff, and was also told that Speaker Heastie now controls the money. I asked what exactly that meant, and was told that I know what it means.
I attempted to reach Mr. Bailey at Assemblyman Heastie's office and was told that he was unavailable. It appeared that I was being pushed to the press office by the person to whom I was transferred to. Assemblyman Heastie has been in the news lately on a variety of items, and it appears that I may have an item not for Bronx DA Robert Johnson, but for the U.S. Attorney's office if Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie is allegedly trying to intimidate a large powerful union into not running a candidate, and endorsing his chosen candidate for a State Senate Seat that covers the Bronx and parts of Westchester County. More on this in the coming weeks, and Mr. Bharara are you listening?
Bronx BP Ruben Diaz Jr. kicked off of Bronx Week 2015 this past Sunday outside the old East 149th Street Bronx Grand Post Office. President Obama's visit to Lehman College the next day was just a coincidence, and not part of Bronx Week 2015. The presidential event is covered elsewhere in this paper.
Back to Bronx Week 2015. Thursday, May 7th the first Bronx Week 2015 event begins with the Centenarian Celebration of those Bronxites who have reached the age of 100 or more. This celebration seems to be getting larger every year now that more Bronxites are living longer lives. You can go to my blog at www.100percentbronx.blogspot.com to see the Bronx Week 2015 kick off, and yes there are plenty of photos of the event. For the full listing of Bronx Week 2015 events from May 7th running through Sunday May 17th you can visit ilovethebronx,com website or just check my blog for any of the events that I am covering.
The serious problem of New York City dumping dangerous criminal homeless people here in the Bronx came to a head last week after the director the Project Renewal Shelter Ms. Ana Charlie was killed by one of the men at the shelter. State Senators Jeff Klein (Bronx) and George Latimer (Westchester County), along with Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, City Council members Andrew Cohen and Andy King, CB 12 Chairman Father Richard Gorman (who had just been released from the hospital where he had surgery on his leg), and many local community residents are up in arms that about 60 percent of the resident of Project Renewal are formerly incarcerated felons, with arrest records that include felonies, murder, rape, and criminal possession of a weapon. In addition, many have serious substance abuse issues. There are also up to 40 convicted sex offenders at the site. The reason for such a high concentration was explained that there is no other facility capable of handling those special needs services.
State Senator Jeff Klein said The Bronx should not have to bear the brunt of the city’s entire homeless population, and that he has proposed legislation in the state senate that would prevent this type of aggressive, concentrated placement of shelters and establish a stronger community review process moving forward. Senator Klein mentioned that Bronx Assemblyman Michael Benedetto is the sponsor of this legislation in the State Assembly. City Council members Cohen and King have demanded answers from the city's Commissioner of Homeless Services. It appears that after the death of the shelter's director security guards have been placed at the Wakefield Project Renewal Homeless Mens Shelter. You can go to my blog archive on the left April listings to find more details, and why the elected officials had to hold their press conference in the street rather than in front of the project renewal building where over 100 homeless advocates were standing on the sidewalk in front of Project Renewal, along with many photos of the event. It seems odd that no residents according to the elected officials, and only one of the Homeless advocates came forward to say they were from the community. As for the Bronx it was said there may be a few residents of Project Renewal from the entire borough of the Bronx, and again when I asked the over 100 homeless advocates only one person raised their hand that they were from the Bronx.
The over 100 homeless advocates were from Homeless Services United headquartered at 446 West 33rd Street 6th Floor Manhattan which was at the top of the letter explaining the position of HSU of the death of the director of the homeless shelter in the Wakefield section of the Bronx. By the way the letter began - To Concerned New Yorkers. That alone showed me and many members of the Wakefield community that HSU does not give a damn about the community, only their image. In the blog posting of this event is the entire letter to Concerned New Yorkers from HSU.
The Hutch Metro Tech Center just keeps growing, and with the new 911 call center almost complete, State Senator Jeff Klein and the NYCDOT have joined to do a study of the area with a possible new exit/entrance ramp from the Hutchinson Parkway to go right into the Metro Tech Center to alleviate local street traffic crowding.
5 Guys Burgers and Fries opened up last week in the new Throggs Neck Shopping Center. As one of my duties as the newspapers new Food Critic I went to the grand opening with many members of the Bronx Chamber of Commerce. Again go to my blog archive under 5 Guys to see the many photos of the ribbon cutting, Menu Board complete with prices and calorie count of each item, bags of specially chosen for 5 guys fresh potatoes, how your burger is prepared, and the newest choose your own flavors of soda, diet soda, and fruit sodas. My favorite was the french fries that reminded me of the number one tasting French Fry in New York, that being Nathans Famous French Fries. 5 Guys has come a close second to Nathans to me in the french fry. Prices are a little high, but the quality of the food is there especially in the French Fries.
More late breaking deadline news – It appears that I was correct in my April 17th blog posting that State Senate Republican Majority Leader Dean Skelos and his son Adam were being investigated by U.S. Attorney Pheet Bharara for the awarding of contracts to outside companies. The following two sentences headed a press release by U.S. Attorney Prett Bharara - “New York State Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos and Son Arrested on Corruption Charges” . “Dean Skelos Allegedly Used Official Position to Cause More Than $200,000 in Payments to Son.”
If you have any political information that you want to share or have checked out, any comments about this column, or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on my blog you can e-mail us at 100percentbronxnews@gmail.com or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.
#Politics #JoseRivera #CarlHeastie #Bronxnews