Saturday, February 23, 2013

What You Should Know

By Robert Press

BRONX, NEW YORK, February 23- If you have a computer you should check out my blog at to see the latest edition of “What You Should Know” by State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz Sr. Like us, Senator Diaz refuses to be shut up, and speaks his mind when it comes to politics. 

Diaz Sr. was one of the original “Four Amigos” of New York State Senate fame, and is the only member of the group who was not corrupted by the power that did in the other three Amigos. One big argument Senator Diaz Sr. has is, “What is it the difference what the IDC members are doing from what the Amigos did”. We always appreciate and sometimes if not more often agree with what Senator Diaz Sr. says and you might also when you read his commentary on my blog.

It looks like by the time you read this the school bus drivers strike will be over, and Mayor Incorruptible is taking credit by saying “Special interest groups have never had less influence then now”. We think he means since Ed Koch was mayor. Like Mayor Koch, Mayor Bloomberg is beyond reproach, we just wonder about some in the Bloomberg administration.

Speaking of Mayor Bloomdoom he may just be right on global warming, but why wait to tell us now in his last year of his last term? We hear that in some New York City Housing Authority Houses that the boilers will be moved out of the basement to a higher floor to prevent the flooding of the boilers that occurred during Hurricane Sandy. Also in these NYCHA houses the idea will be to have no tenants living in floors that lie below the flood level. Could Co-op City then be in danger of being flooded out next?

I know I said that I would look into the 15th City Council race this week, but I have to put that off for a few weeks while the picture gets a little clearer. Right now the vibes from the 15th are so bad I am waiting for even more players to be added to the race.

A deep bit of sorrow as Don “The Master Challenger” Masters has left us after suffering through a long illness. You knew your chance to be thrown off the ballot if Don Masters was involved in challenging your petition was very good, and that is why he was called “The Master Challenger”. Even as the legislature made it easier to get on the ballot it was still easy for Masters and his disciples to knock a candidate off the ballot. A fond farewell to Don Masters the king of petition challengers.

Assemblyman Marcos Crespo has passed along information that is on my blog about the state assembly introducing amended legislation that would increase the state minimum wage from $7,25 an hour to $9.00 an hour, and index it to the rate of inflation like President Obama's goal nationwide.

There are also comments by Comptroller John Liu and Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. on Mayor Bloomberg's final State of the City Address. Comptroller Liu did not hold back, but I suspect that BP Diaz had to because of the Kingsbridge Armory.
Speaking of BP Diaz I will have a recap of his State of the Borough Speech in next week’s column and on my blog since it is being given after my deadline. I suspect only good things to come from BP Diaz as he boasts of his many accomplishments, and maybe a surprise from him.

Lastly our friends at the Bedford Mosholu Community Association are hosting their Annual Flea Market on Saturday March 9th location to be announced. BMCA will be accepting donations of new & used items “except clothing” at their office located at 400E. Mosholu Parkway (Apt B1) on Wednesday February 20th & 27th from 1:30 – 3:30 PM, on Saturday March 2nd from 1:30 – 4:00 PM, and on Wednesday March 6th from 7:30 – 9:00 PM during their monthly meeting.

If you have any comments about this column or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on my blog you can e-mail us at or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.

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